Posted by: Genichiro | March 20, 2010

Kirumin EP3/Group Updates

Yep, we finally released another episode. The torrent links are below


avi anirena torrent download DDL: MU DF


Now, while you’re waiting for the episode to download, why not do some informative reading?

As I’m sure you noticed, there are now three torrents for each file. We now have our own personal tracker at We’ll still be using Anirena and Nyaa. Please note that our tracker may be slow at times, as well as have some downtime. The plus is that it doesn’t change the info-hash like Nyaa and Anirena; it shares the nyaa swarm. Isn’t that convenient? Allows the torrents to work properly even if our tracker is down. Our tracker is experimental. I’ve never set one up before, so I’m not sure how it’s going to fly. I know it works, because I’ve tested it. I’ve had others look at it to ensure it pops up computers outside my home network, so I know that much for sure.

I’m sure you’ve also noticed the IRC page. We have our own IRC channel now, The rules are on the IRC page. We also have an XDCC distro bot, Tonde|Rin. She’s also an experiment. I’ve never run one before, all I know for sure is that she works. On that note, if anyone is interested in hosting our files on their bot, let me know, and I’ll put it on our HOP list. If you’re part of another group, and want to post your bot in our channel, go for it. I only have two rules: the bot MUST host our most recent releases, and the bot is NOT allowed to spam the channel with announcements. If I see a distro bot that violates these rules, it’s gone.

One more thing: our translation department needs some help. Onion and Sagres are doing fine, but as you can tell by the time it’s been taking for our releases, they need someone to take the heat off. We do have lives, after all. We also need an experienced, full time translation checker. ST and Clephas pulled us out of the fire this time, but ST has school to worry about, and Clephas has work with his other groups. I must emphasize how experience is important to the TLC position; our TLers aren’t perfect. We’re all rookies to fansubbing. We need someone with experience to help guide us along. Contact us through BW or hit me up with Tondemonai in the subject line. The more help we have with translation, the faster we can release (I don’t do too much, so I don’t need help with editing or encoding).

Enjoy the release, and don’t be afraid to drop by our IRC channel or our subforum on BW.

Full list of Kirumin releases


  1. Great that you are doing this I hope you catch up soon to the latest fansubed episode (I have till 7 on my comp).

  2. We’ll see what we can do. I hope we can start to pick up with our speed as we get more experience with doing this. :3

  3. We’ll definitely increase with speed. Hopefully my translating skills will gradually improve. ;D

  4. lol when you finish this show, you should do the eps of Saint October that were never subbed, you guys would be the best group ever if you did 😀

  5. nvm, I guess someone is actually (slowly) working on it now, too bad it’s in avi

  6. Thank you for the supportive comment! Wahahaaaa.

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